Tax Vi′siŏns (taks vizh′unz), n. 1. a company who, with consideration of all resources, whether obscure, intricate or abstract, creates the unique solution to a tax situation, whether common or complex, which others cannot.
Tax Vi′siŏns (taks vizh′unz), n. 1. a company who, with consideration of all resources, whether obscure, intricate or abstract, creates the unique solution to a tax situation, whether common or complex, which others cannot.


Facing an audit or IRS attorney in court is never a pleasant experience. The process can range from intimidating to frightening. The Internal Revenue Service has unmatched power as a federal agency to take action. Facing an IRS audit or other taxing jurisdiction can cause significant disruption to businesses and individuals.

Thirty years of teaching accountants, attorneys, and other tax professionals equals 30 years of tax professionals bringing us the tough questions, the difficult problems and the complicated cases. This experience makes us uniquely qualified to represent you no matter what the situation.


Our long experience with the IRS insures effective communication. We know how, when and with whom to negotiate. We will not promise to eliminate all your tax liability. We can promise peace of mind that comes with a fair and reasonable settlement  of your tax problems.


If you or your business is already in the collection process with IRS it may require a strategy different from that employed during the audit process. We can help you or your regular practitioner through the collection process.


Services may include:

  • Management, negotiation and settlement of tax controversies.
  • Audit management and support.
  • IRS Appeals Division representation.
  • Collections Division representation and settlements.
  • Off-site audit representation to minimize auditor disruption to the workplace.
  • Preparation and negotiation of offers-in-compromise.